The Inman-Hall wedding in Blowing Rock was unlike ANYTHING I had ever experienced. Not only was it a great photo opportunity, but the family was awesome, and boy did they know how to party! In one wedding, the groom arrived in the General Lee, a trolley arrived with all the guests, it was set in the beautiful Blue Ridge mountains, there was a live band, the garter got caught in a tree, mom and bride serenaded the crowd with a Janis Joplin duet, we met "Kelly Clarkson," the bride had feathers in her bouquet, and the night ended with a fireworks show. We were so exhausted by the end of the night, but it was such a blast. Ashley and Matt threw one heck of a shindig, and even the photographers ended up having the time of our lives. In all seriousness, I've never seen such a beautiful wedding put on by one couple alone, nor have I had so much fun with both the wedding and the family...something like this usually only happens over a series of weddings. The family was great, and treated us like one of the family, and we had such a fun and memorable time. This is going down in the record books!!!
Ashley's bridal portraits at the house she grew up in (where the wedding was held):

The dress...

We had the privilege of meeting "Kelly Clarkson"...

The wedding: Garter got stuck in a tree...

Some really awesome night shots I've been dying to do...

The live band...

The trolley...

Mom and daughter serenade...these girls can SING!

The fireworks with the bride and groom looking on:

The groom arriving in the GENERAL LEE!!!! I have to give Matt credit here...definitely the coolest entrance by a groom I've ever seen.

The groom's cool is this?

The bride's bouquet, with FEATHERS!! How cool is that???

Dogs Gritt and Wyatt dressed to match the wedding colors...