Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Playing around with off-camera flash...

Every now and then, a girl's gotta have a little fun, right?

My new creative venture is learning what kind of funky and creative things I can do with wireless flash transmitters and off-camera flash. Here is my attempt to see what I can do in waning sunset light:


I also had an awesome shoot with Chandra last Friday, but I can't post her pictures yet until she gets married! Bummer, because they really turned out fantastic and the way I combined gold reflectors and flashes made it look like sunset light. More to come on that later...

1 comment:

Joe Young said...

Not bad. Your flash looks too strong and not directional enough though. You need to use a light meter and try to balance the natural light with the flash. I have a good handout for you I will e-mail to you. Check out my blog when you get a chance.