Monday, June 23, 2008

White-Mooney wedding

Leslie and John had a beautiful wedding at St. John's Lutheran, followed by a reception at the Park Inn (first time there!). The wedding itself was beautiful, and the day repeated themes of Tiffany blue. Leslie and John are a beautiful couple and very fun to work with, even when they were getting tired. The most striking thing about the couple was Leslie's eyes and John's personality. Both things, plus many more, made this a great wedding to photograph. At the end of a very good day, the power went out at the reception and we still had the garter and ring toss to go! We photographed it in pitch black and got some of the most beautiful photography we've ever taken. I'm so glad I finally took the plunge and used Pocket Wizards!

I am truly humbled by what I've been blessed with photographically recently. This wedding was truly the culmination of a journey of three years of trusting God to take us to places we could only dream of with our business. I can't do it without Him, and the pictures from this wedding prove it! Who knows where we'll be this time next year.

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